Believe it or not, Daemoneye Publishing has been around for a very, very long time - going back to the late nineties or maybe early 2000s. Since then, Daemoneye Publishing has released a number of games digitally and in print, including the underground gem Universal Decay - Dead Stars as well as a series of illustrated novels, The Lycanthrope Club, and more.
We are dedicated to making high quality tabletop roleplaying games with extensive yet easily accessible rule systems that can modified and tweaked to encompass any play style, any campaign and any player. We also publish sci-fi and fantasy fiction. Our products are available in digital format and print.
One thing you'll probably notice is that many of our products are free to download - in part or in whole. This is no accident. We're more interested in sharing ideas and building communities than making a buck. We embrace the original Open Gaming License (OGL) philosophy behind the old d20 release and strive to create the best table-top roleplaying game products on the market. All of our products are playtested in house by veteran gamers, many of whom have been roleplaying for decades.
Daemoneye Publishing always has a project or twenty bubbling under the surface and is always on the lookout for more contributors, professional or amateur (not much of a difference between the two these days). Whether you are an artist, writer, designer, playtester or programmer, if you have a project you'd like to collaborate on or are looking for freelance work, let us know!