The Edition Pi Project is a long running open-source tabletop RPG. When D&D 3.5 came out it fixed many flaws within the 3.0 system, but introduced whole new ones and failed to address many others. Edition Pi seeks to fix all of these problems by taking the base-line 3.0 rules set, incorporating what 3.5 got right, fixing the bugs neither adressed, and then incorporating directly into the Edition Pi core books the elements that were left out. This includes a new and highly flexible feat-based psionics system that adds only a handful of more pages to the finished books.
While D&D 5e is easy to learn and play, many find it too simplistic or just miss the days of third edition. With Edition Pi, you can create a far more nuanced and richer experience. Better yet, all the books can be downloaded free of charge!
All Edition Pi books are released under the Prometheus Open Gaming License.
Persona Hoard Book (PHB)
Core Rule Book
342 pages
PDF - Free!
The Personal How-To book features everything you need to create and run a character for Edition Pi. Features classes, skills, feats, equipment, combat rules, including a novel feat-based psionic system, spells, and much more.
Dominant Magi's Grimoire (DMG)
Core Rule Book
204 pages
PDF - Free!
Every good RPG needs a good gamemaster, and every good gamemaster needs this book. The Dominant Magi's Grimoire contains everything you need to run an Edition Pi game, including variant base classes, new sub-races, random dungeon and encounter tables, and magic and psionic items.
Monsters and Minions (MM)
Core Rule Book
306 pages
PDF - Free!
A hero is only as great as the foes he faces! This core Edition Pi rulebook contains hundreds of monsters - new and old - as well as rules for modifying existing ones or creating whole new beasts.
Under Cover of Darkness (UCoD)
Expansion Book
64 pages
PDF - Free!
This expansion book explores the dark world of assassins, featuring new feats, equipment, spells and classes for those who hunt the most dangerous game. Also features material for running an assassin-focused campaign, including a campaign setting and rules for generating random contracts and targets.