Everybody familiar with the d20 system knows that it is a fantastic system for representing fantastic feats of fantasy. The Universal Decay variation focuses on both extreme realism and ultimate in-game mutability. Using the Universal Decay system even the best-trained warriors have to be careful when going sword-to-sword against their foes. You can have just as much fun developing new technologies as you can defeating armies. The rules are flexible enough to not only encompass any conceivable situation, but modular so that players only deal with complexities they feel comfortable with.

Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rulebook
2nd Edition, RevisedCore Rule Book
Science Fiction, Universal
Paperback Print, 364 pages, 8.5" x 11", perfect binding
$29.99 (plus shipping)

PDF Download, 364 pages
$5.00 USD (see below).

Download the Gaming basics and Setting chapters for free!
PDF, 28 pages
Dead Stars is a science fiction horror role-playing game powered by the alternate d20 Universal Decay rules system. Pick a race - from the ever-familiar humans to the amorphous gorbrasch or sleazy helizara - strap on some personal armor and pick up a sliver rifle or get a cerebral computer implant and grab your toolkit. Or both. Then get together with your friends to face a universe of dangers, wonders, opportunities, and quite possibly a messy death. This book contains everything you will need to play or run a game in Dead Stars as well as rules for using the Universal Decay system in alternate genres, incorporating everything from swords and sorcery to vehicle energy weapons, personal armor, nanotechnology and starships.
Universal Decay: Dead Star Resources
Character sheets for standard PCs
1st revised edition - pdf
Character sheets specially made for android PCs
1st revised edition - pdf
Star System reference sheets
1st revised edition - pdf
Robot minion sheets
1st revised edition - pdf

Then the Necrol invaded.
Beset by a seemingly unstoppable force of nanite-infused biomechanical horrors, the Gaean authorities resorted to the unthinkable - they detonated Sol, the sun, along with the rest of the core system stars. While this did wipe out most of the invading Necrol fleet it also devastated the empire. Only a handful of outer colonies were spared this celestial conflagration.
Hundreds of years have passed since the destruction of Earth and the survivors are just starting to pick up the pieces. Humanity has encountered other spacefaring species - some helpful, some terrifying. No central authority has risen to replace the Gaean Empire, which now only exists in the form of piratical bands of former Gaean military. While there are some pockets of prosperity and peace, many worlds still struggle for survival in a harsh, unforgiving universe. And out in the deepest, darkest corners of space, the Necrol menace still lurks.

FTL Travel
There is no such thing as warp drive in Dead Stars; hyperspace exists only in old period films and artificial wormholes remain theoretical. Instead, faster-than-light travel is achieved through the power of the mind.
Psionicists capable of 'fetching' can bend space to instantaneously teleport themselves from one place to another. When a fetcher is cybernetically linked to a spaceship they, in effect, become the spaceship. If presented with a perfect image of a location - however distant - they can teleport towards it, bringing the entire ship (and its crew) along. However, even the most powerful fetcher can only traverse a light-year or so per day. Given the sheer distances inherent in interstellar travel voyages from system to system can still take weeks or even months.

A species of refugees. The Drake would have been yet another victim of the Necrol were it not for the intervention of the Gaean Empire. Although it couldn't save the Drake homeworld the Gaean Military was able to transport many survivors off-planet before the Necrol consumed it. Now the Drake roam the stars in small bands, selling their services for food, resources and transportation.
Having just emerged from their equivalent of the Middle Ages, the Drake are not technologically adept. Neither do they make particularly intimidating warriors, standing a mere meter or so tall. They do, however, possess impressive psionic potential and are the only known sapients capable of winged flight.

A species of nomads. The Necrol decimated Flakam society long ago. Only small pods and lone wanderers remain scattered across space. Though fragmented, the Flakam are united in a singular, overriding purpose: vengeance against the Necrol, and look to humanity - the species that came closest to halting the encroachment of the Necrol scourge - for their salvation.
Having evolved in the void of space the crystalline Flakam are resistant or outright immune to many hazards - vacuum, radiation, cold, toxins - and have no need to eat or drink, subsisting off electromagnetic radiation alone. They are essentially living computers with the natural ability to transmit and receive radio signals. Their alien physiology does have its drawbacks, however. They cannot benefit from cybernetic or genetic enhancement and their silicon bodies are particularly vulnerable to high frequency vibrations.

A species of shapeshifters. Gorbrasch society is organized into genetically distinct clans, which war against each other for resources and territory. Gorbrasch clans once colonized distant worlds through ionic drive ships that took decades or even centuries to arrive at their destinations. Now Gorbrasch clans rely upon ships manned by humans and other psionic species capable of FTL travel to spread across the stars.
Gorbrasch have no fixed limbs, form or even organs; they are exceedingly adaptable, growing whatever appendages or tissues they need in mere seconds. Because nothing about their physiology is 'vital' they are difficult to seriously harm. They do not, however, have any psionic potential and are incapable of being fitted with cybernetics. Their fluid bodies are not particularly strong, either.

A species of traders. The Helizara once shared a planet with four other sapient species but manipulated the others into wiping each other out. Fortunately, the Helizara have since renounced their xenophobic ways, extolling cooperation between all sapient beings. That, and duty free trade.
In addition to their keen senses and silver tongues, Helizara can influence the emotions of organic creatures by emitting an array of pheromones. Furthermore, they are adept at 'acquiring' and employing rare technology. They are not the brightest species in the galaxy, however, having grown dependent on allies to solve their problems for them.

A species of geneticists. The common ancestor of all Orliss was a plant-like organism that evolved the ability to directly modify its own genetic code in response to its environment. Modern Orliss sub-species come in a bewildering variety of phenotypes, but the one most familiar to other sapients is that of a humanoid with leafy-green hair and tan to light green skin. These Orliss were specifically grown to interact with other intelligent life for the benefit of the species as a whole.
Orliss can 'grow' organic equivalents to just about any tool or piece of equipment. They can also excrete a gooey, sap like substance that has great healing properties. Because of this Orliss make fantastic technicians and doctors, though their bedside manner leaves something to be desired.

A species of survivalists. The Universal Guide to First Aid is a comprehensive treatise on how to treat every conceivable injury of all known space-faring beings. The entry on the Serkalth is a single line with a brief footnote: Serkalth are tough bastards. The footnote explains that anything capable of harming a Serkalth to the point it requires medical attention will have in all likelihood killed off anyone and anything capable of rendering such.
The Serkalth possess a hard exoskeleton, extreme resilience to both heat and cold, claws capable of tearing through steel and rapid healing. They are fairly clumsy by the standards of most other species, though.

Universal Decay: Dragonfire
1st EditionExpansion for Universal Decay
Fantasy, Heavy Metal Fantasy, Punk
Paperback Print, 218 pages, 8.5" x 11", perfect binding
$24.99 (plus shipping)

PDF Download, 218 pages
$3.00 USD (see below)

Welcome to the world of DRAGONFIRE, the "Heavy Metal" fantasy expansion for the Universal Decay: Dead Stars Rule Book. A roleplaying sourcebook for hardcore WEIRD characters, usable in anything from typical Tolkien-esque pseudo-Europe games to replicating album covers from your favorite metal bands...no points are awarded for figuring out which way the pre-made campaign setting included in this book went! So make a Gnome with a Spaghetti-Western fetish, a blood-drinking assassin, a Dwarven bardic priest of the Cult of Heavy Metal, or any other bizarre character that you have always wanted to play. That is the "normal" around here!